
The Schizophrenic Hell That is my Life... My many divergent interests lay ahead for you to view and ponder, can one person be this.....

Thursday, August 01, 2002


Sunday, July 07, 2002

argh... what is going on
whamo, this is finally back up

Monday, June 17, 2002

Sunday, June 16, 2002

Hmm and now some random thoughts: How would it feel to be a bird flying around town high above the world. Soaring. Dipping. Diving. Paying no attention to anything but the wind on your wings and the odd worm in your beak. No pressure… How would it be to wiz past cars and over rooftops on your way to your cozy nest? How would it be if while flying around you saw the perfect accoutrement for your beautiful self-built nest—a shiny and wonderful leaf waiting for you in a nearby potted plant. What if you went to retrieve your treasure and accidentally slammed into an invisible force field of uncommon and unbelievable strength, and rendered yourself unconscious. What is a window anyway? What if you ‘didn’t know what hit you’ and while you were out cold some human children found you and decided to do a good deed and give you a funeral. As far as you know, funerals are for dead birds, and you are not yet a dead bird, you can hear the children in the distance looking for a shoebox and grass bedding to lay you on. (NO) Wake up, wake up you tell your self but you can’t. You try to regain composure, consciousness, but to no avail. You hear befuddled church hymns sung by 14 seven-year-olds. You feel your light wingy body being lifted sloppily through the air and, and, and, feel yourself wrapped in a silken Barbie’s dream house blanket, and then are finally placed onto the muddy, grass filled, unholy sarcophagus—a multi-colored size 6 shoe box. Cheep, Tweet, Squaaaaaaaak, you try and try to utter a sound, make a move, blink an eye… anything!! BUT YOUR FATE IS SEALED. The box is shut. You are closed inside. All is not well. Where are my beautiful trees? (Frantic Now) Where is my friend the wind? (Hysterical) It is growing dark—the box lid is being replaced! AGAIN you attempt to thrash in vein and you are shut up inside. You feel the box, lower, lower. It is done. You can feel as the shallow grave is shoveled over with loose dirt. It is stifling inside the rayon blanket, and the box, suffocating. FUCKING WINDOWS you scream inside your lifeless body. Where am I? Is there really a birdie heaven?? Or am I locked inside this payless box forever, mind wandering but body stationary for all eternity buried under the swings at the local playground. Why god? Why?

Saturday, June 15, 2002

Something just occured to me...I am a very lucky person. Dumb shit happens to me every day, but somehow it always turns out just fine. For example, HAVE YOU EVER walked in on someone robbing your house. Was it the second time that sort of thing has happened to you??

Once i was doing laundry at my grandmas house, my mother took her to church and a bit later I heard stuff bumping around. I figured they didn't go afterall. I went up and got a really creepy feeling and tried to open the door, but it was locked. My moms car was gone afterall... which was strange since a few minutes before they were inside making tons of noise. I went home figuring that she accidentally locked me out. (I live next door) When I went back over they were home from church. They had seen some guy run down the driveway with a box of shit. He left a huge knife on the floor near the bed. Good thing i didn't have my keys on me

The other time I walked in my back door and as I was entering the house the wind caught the door and slammed it really hard. I was like damn that was loud, the glass almost broke. I then walked up the 4 stairs to the house and opened my kitchen door, and heard my front door slam. I barely noticed and went into the back of the house to get something from my moms room. When I entered her room I thought to myself, damn she left a mess this morning, she must have been in a hurry.Tthen i realized her ceiling fan was on (it was november-- in Buffalo) and the long string on it was swinging wildly as if someonehad just pulled it... It hit me that someone was probably in the house and maybe in the room with me... I got the hell out of there. They had kicked the front door in and stolen my back pac and the VCR. Bastards...

Thursday, June 13, 2002

Here i sit and ponder why I can not add pictures to my beautiful blog... why

Today has been a wonderful day. I woke up earlly, and I didn't even have to work... I am going camping tomorrow, this I have never done before. WHAT if a RABID Raccoon tries to steal my roasted marshmallow... W-What if I'm too stoned to notice it is rabid and I share with it and I get rabies too?? Hmm-- unlikely you say, Well guess what, it may not be that easy. Tihs reminds me of a terrifying event which occued recently, again, this is a true story.

Les't just say HAVE YOU EVER gone on a little ride with some friends. While on that ride did you happen to drive around the back of the local NHL Hockey Arena and there in the dark of the evening, see a little kitten asleep in the street and thought 'oh poor llittle kitten, doesn't know enough not to sleep in the street, where is its little kitty momma' and decide to go move it onto the curb--your first ever good deed. While approaching the kitten did you see a completely devoured-except-for-the-bones-and- feathers seagull, but pass it off as having been hit by a car. When you went to lift gently, and sweetly said kiitten, did it awaken and attack you, leaving your hand and fingers a scratched and bitten up, bloody mess. Did the bird beside you have a new meaning attached to it... did you realize the kitten was a wiley murderer lying in wait for you, as it ran off in terror thinking you were a birdy snack when you woke it.

Wednesday, June 05, 2002

Welcome to the pit...Let me begin witha story, but first I shall introduce myself, I am the shadowy princess, Oshawa. I am a black rose in the night...yeah, try to find me.

I promised you a story and a story you will get... Let me just say: Have you ever gotten dropped off in front of your house while your friends went to park the car, while wearing 8 inch platform shoes? While wearing said shoes, have you ever at any point, say, stepped on a twig fallen from a nearby tree and weebled, wobbled and DID fall down? Did you, as you tried to untalnge your self from your stretchy floorlength skirt, distinctly hear your friends say, where is oshawa... just as you almost got taken out by a blue volvo that didn't see you because you blend in with the blacktop quite well...hmm

Grrrrr.... I'll get back to you

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